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프란시스코 고야, Capricho

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by haghiasophia 2021. 1. 24. 22:21


프란시스코 고야는 1799년 Los Caprichos라는 80점으로 이루어진 수성/에칭 판화 작품을 선보인다.

스페인 궁정화가이면서도, 그가 내면적으로 고민해온 당시 스페인 사회에 대한 비판을 나름 통렬하게 한 작품이었다.

미신, 지배계급의 무지와 무능, 교육 문제, 합리성의 쇠퇴 들을 다루고 있다.

이 판화 작품은 27점이 팔렸다고 하고 종교재판을 고려하여 판매를 중단했으며, 1803년에 고야는 판화를 찰스5세 왕에게 헌납하게 된다.

고야의 이 작품은 이후 모더니스트 운동에 영향을 미치게 된다.

아래는 위키피디아에 있는 80점의 작품 사진이다. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_caprichos

아래는 각 작품에 붙어 있는 설명들이다.

Capricho No. 1: Francisco Goya y Lucientes, pintor (Francisco Goya y Lucientes, painter)

Capricho No. 2: El pronuncian y la mano alargan al primero que llega (They say yes and give their hand to the first comer)

Capricho No. 3: Que viene el coco (Here comes the bogeyman)

Capricho No. 4: El de la Rollona (Nanny's boy)

Capricho No. 5: Tal para cual (Two of a kind)

Capricho No. 6: Nadie se conoce (Nobody knows himself)

Capricho No. 7: Ni así la distingue (Even thus he cannot make her out)

Capricho No. 8: ¡Que se la llevaron! (So they carried her off!)

Capricho No. 9: Tántalo (Tantalus)

Capricho No. 10: El amor y la muerte (Love and death)

Capricho No. 11: Muchachos al avío (Lads making ready)

Capricho No. 12: A caza de dientes (Out hunting for teeth)

Capricho No. 13: Están calientes (They are hot)

Capricho No. 14: ¡Qué sacrificio! (What a sacrifice!)

Capricho No. 15: Bellos consejos (Good advice)

Capricho No. 16: Dios la perdone: y era su madre (For Heaven's sake: and it was her mother)

Capricho No. 17: Bien tirada está (It is nicely stretched)

Capricho No. 18: Y se le quema la casa (And the house is on fire)

Capricho No. 19: Todos caerán (Everyone will fall)

Capricho No. 20: Ya van desplumados (There they go plucked)

Capricho No. 21: ¡Cual la descañonan! (How they pluck her!)

Capricho No. 22: ¡Pobrecitas! (Poor little girls!)

Capricho No. 23: Aquellos polvos (Those specks of dust)

Capricho No. 24: No hubo remedio (There was no help)

Capricho No. 25: Si quebró el cántaro (He broke the pitcher)

Capricho No. 26: Ya tienen asiento (Now they are sitting well)

Capricho No. 27: ¿Quién más rendido? (Who more is surrendered?)

Capricho No. 28: Chitón (Hush)

Capricho No. 29: Esto sí que es leer (Now that's reading)

Capricho No. 30: ¿Por qué esconderlos? (Why hide them?)

Capricho No. 31: Ruega por ella (She prays for her)

Capricho No. 32: Porque fue sensible (Because she was susceptible)

Capricho No. 33: Al conde palatino (To the count palatine)

Capricho No. 34: Las rinde el sueño (Sleep overcomes them)

Capricho No. 35: Le descañona (She fleeces him)

Capricho No. 36: Mala noche (A bad night)

Capricho No. 37: ¿Si sabra más el discípulo? (Might not the pupil know more?)

Capricho No. 38: ¡Bravísimo! (Bravissimo!)

Capricho No. 39: Hasta su abuelo (And so was his grandfather)

Capricho No. 40: ¿De qué mal morirá? (Of what ill will he die?)

Capricho No. 41: Ni más ni menos (Neither more nor less)

Capricho No. 42: Tú que no puedes (Thou who cannot)

Capricho No. 43: El sueño de la razón produce monstruos (The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters)

Capricho No. 44: Hilan delgado (They spin finely)

Capricho No. 45: Mucho hay que chupar (There is plenty to suck)

Capricho No. 46: Corrección (Correction)

Capricho No. 47: Obsequio al maestro (A gift for the master)

Capricho No. 48: Soplones (Snitches)

Capricho No. 49: Duendecitos (Hobgoblins)

Capricho No. 50: Los Chinchillas (The Chinchillas)

Capricho No. 51: Se repulen (They spruce themselves up)

Capricho No. 52: ¡Lo que puede un sastre! (What a tailor can do!)

Capricho No. 53: ¡Que pico de oro! (What a golden beak!)

Capricho No. 54: El vergonzoso (The shameful one)

Capricho No. 55: Hasta la muerte (Until death)

Capricho No. 56: Subir y bajar (To rise and to fall)

Capricho No. 57: La filiación (The filiation)

Capricho No. 58: Trágala, perro (Swallow it, dog)

Capricho No. 59: ¡Y aún no se van! (And still they don't go!)

Capricho No. 60: Ensayos (Trials)

Capricho No. 61: Volavérunt (They have flown)

Capricho No. 62: ¡Quién lo creyera! (Who would have thought it!)

Capricho No. 63: ¡Miren que graves! (Look how solemn they are!)

Capricho No. 64: Buen viaje (Bon voyage)

Capricho No. 65: ¿Dónde va mamá? (Where is mommy going?)

Capricho No. 66: Allá va eso (There it goes)

Capricho No. 67: Aguarda que te unten (Wait till you've been anointed)

Capricho No. 68: Linda maestra (Pretty teacher)

Capricho No. 69: Sopla (Gust the wind)

Capricho No. 70: Devota profesión (Devout profession)

Capricho No. 71: Si amanece, nos vamos (When day breaks we will be off)

Capricho No. 72: No te escaparás (You will not escape)

Capricho No. 73: Mejor es holgar (It is better to be lazy)

Capricho No. 74: No grites, tonta (Don't scream, stupid)

Capricho No. 75: ¿No hay quién nos desate? (Can't anyone unleash us?)

Capricho No. 76: Está vuestra merced... pues, como digo... ¡eh! ¡cuidado! si no... (You understand?... Well, as I say... eh! Look out! Otherwise...)

Capricho No. 77: Unos a otros (What one does to the other)

Capricho No. 78: Despacha, que despiertan (Be quick, they are waking up)

Capricho No. 79: Nadie nos ha visto (No one has seen us)

Capricho No. 80: Ya es hora (It is time)

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